Download ScholarKeynoteJudyRobertsonFInal
I don't know who thought of the talk title for me for this keynote, but it is a rather broad topic to cover in 30 minutes, no? 20 seconds per year from now to the end of the century, I make it.
I suspect people usually mean 21st century learning to mean "interesting web 2.0 or games stuff which has been around since the late 90s". But since I went to CAL 09, I have ben meaning to catch up on the Beyond Current Horizons project which is really cool. So my talk is based on this, and looks at the future of learning about 30 years out. It was a nice excuse to read some of their papers and scenarios. It's mind boggling in fact. The scenarios are like near future science fiction but based on serious academic literature reviews and heavy public consultation. Well worth a read. Also, they have workshop packs for people who want to prepare their school or uni for the future. It would be fun to do one in my uni but I can't quite imagine it.
Please take a moment to admire the futuristic slides backdrop which I got from the Office community site. Well seeing I was "too busy" to attend my uni corporate branding seminar yesterday. :-)
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