I am very excited today because I met Ben Goldacre at graduation! He is an intellectual rockstar- my hero! For once the statisticians in the department did something sensible and decided to give him an honouraray doctorate for his work in public understanding of science, particularly responsible journalism. He has a book and a regular Guardian column, both of which I recommend heartily if you are in possession of a brain. It is slightly amusing to me that our esteemed Chancellor (Baroness Greenfield) has recently been mauled by our new Honourary Doctor for her irresponsible and non-evidence based mumblings about social media. Ho-hum. Pity they didn't meet at some university luncheon and have a food fight.
Also at graduation Sandy and me got our Learning and Teaching Award and got our photie took. And lots of my little chickens graduated, all spruced up in their Sunday best. For non Scottish readers, I recommend the sight of kilts and graduation gowns. Most entertaining.
Cool. :) Ben Goldacre and Bad Science have been the subject of discussion at PPIG. Congratulations on your award!
Posted by: Keiron Nicholson | June 26, 2009 at 07:45 AM
Blogs are so interactive where we get lots of informative on any topics nice job keep it up !!
Posted by: buy dissertation online | July 08, 2009 at 02:20 PM
...and to think I wasted all that time writing my dissertation when I could have just bought one!
Also, Ben Goldacre is pretty awesome. It's a shame we can't have him as the chancellor of the uni instead of Barmyness Greenfield. Her science-fu is weak.
Posted by: Simba | July 09, 2009 at 04:31 AM